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Xine La Fontaine Healthy Love Coach woman with hand over her heart

Attract a healthy (spicy) love
that takes your breath away...

And feel ready to date again!!

Does this sound familiar?

  • Have you been hesitating to get back out into dating... because the process feels gruelling and ending up in yet another draining relationship doesn't feel very... inspiring?


  • Do you tell everyone you're "great alone"... and you genuinely are! But deep down, you secretly crave that partner-in-crime that will accompany and support you in this beautiful life you’ve created for yourself?


  • Are you sick of booking solo travel (even though you love it!) and dream of the day you'll be sitting next your new love whispering about all the naughty things you'll do together in Mexico or Bali?

  • Are you feeling "almost" ready for aligned love... but need some time to gently ease into it?

I understand you completely...

After separating from a 20+ year relationship with kids, ocean-view home on a sub-tropical island... getting back into the world of dating felt brutal. I had fun... but also landed in some awkward and painful experiences I wish I had been better prepared for!


I know the fears that come up around wondering if there's anyone that's actually a "right fit" for your more adventurous, ambitious type out there in the sea of red flags...

In some ways, it feels so much easier to just stay single, since life is already fun!

And yet... there's something inside you that KNOWS you're so ready for something more.

Healthy Love Aligned Xine La Fontaine
Hi I'm Xine... Certified Love Coach
Let's go on a self-love journey to dating freedom together
Healthy Love Yoga Class

I feel like we know each other already...

​My guess is you've already taken the most important steps: 


  • You've created a life you adore, and this is so key to attracting love in a healthy way. 


  • You enjoy your friendships tremendously and the support of your family, work or community keep you laughing and smiling.


  • You've built a career, business or work life you're proud of!


These are amazing things!
But they can also make you say to yourself:


"If I'm going to bother with love, it needs to make my life better... otherwise what's the point?"

Image by Kseniya Lapteva

I have a few words for you:

Everyone deserves to be fully seen and experienced in their beauty, love and wholeness by another person in their lifetime... many times over!

With me as your love coach sidekick...

I’ll help you (gradually) become more and more excited to get back out there and meet your new great love adventure... all while preparing your body, boosting self-worth and helping you learn how to allow more deliciousness into your day-to-day life!

How lovely does that sound? 


Your dating life should enhance your life, not take away from it.


I've got you <3

Healthy Love XIne La Fontaine jumping with excitement

Don't take it from me...

See what my previous students and clients have said!



A 30-Day Self-Love journey to help you feel Dating-Ready

Healthy Love-Aligned PDF Workbook to Feeling Dating Ready

Imagine this...

30 Days of sensuality, dance, simple life pleasures and love-mindset practices… all wrapped up in a luxurious home-retreat vibe that soothes your soul, and gradually helps you feel ready to date again.


Delivered to your inbox in a beautiful PDF workbook, with a variety of practice options, and it can all be easily-integrated into your busy lifestyle.




Up-level your love-magnetism 100-fold by increasing your sense of self-worth, bringing your focus back to what’s possible, achievable and in all honesty… inevitable for you now!!





Healthy Love Aligned two women kissing

Here's what you can expect...


  • Instead of wondering why you haven't met the incredible human that will cheer you on and be by your side through thick and thin yet... like, do they even exist out there?  You emerge with a deep sense of self-worth and knowing from this 30-days of self-love, dreaming and healthy love scheming. 


  • Turning your dating life from underwhelming to ultra expansive. 


  • Getting crystal clear and intentional about what you actually want to experience in your incoming relationship (love attraction 101!) and a renewed sense of self-trust & belief that you ARE indeed attracting this new love as we speak. It’s inevitable.


  • Becoming a magnet to the healthy opportunities around you... instead of only attracting your usual pattern.


  • Over time... this work will translate into finding your very own love-adventure soulmate that'll be the inspiration to all of your friends and family, as they gush over your new relationship.​

Love-Aligned PDF Download
Healthy Love-Aligned PDF Workbook to Feeling Dating Ready
Love-Aligned PDF Workbook

Once you've reserved your workbook, you'll be sent a download link in your inbox so you can begin your love journey today! There are no refunds for this offer.

Need help? Check our FAQ:
  • I'm a busy person and worry I won't have time to keep up with practices...
    The Love-Aligned PDF course is created with you in mind. You'll get to enjoy some YOU time with short written, movement or meditation practices (you choose the frequency!) either in the morning, or in the evenings before bed, or within dating ;) But nothing that takes up a whole lot of time. Pinkie promise.
  • I've never done coaching before... I feel nervous about what this may entail or how much I will open myself up to...
    This Love-Aligned workbook is intended to be a gift to yourself. They include easy-going practices you get to choose from and do at your pace and capacity. You are in charge of your experience!
  • I'm in a relationship but would love to transform it into something far greater, does this apply to me also?
    Yes!! Although it's intended for dating folks, you can absolutely shift a current relationship into something more intimate using this 30-day course. It will strengthen your self-worth and help you get clear on what exactly it is you want to experience, so you can then create and attract it!
  • I identify as a man, but I feel this course speaks to me. Does it make sense for me to do the course and/or coaching?
    YES! If you tend to be the giver in relationships, and the words I share in the web page really speak to you, then this course will be really helpful for you. The language is aimed at those who identify as women, so if you can ignore that, it's yours to enjoy as well. And I love coaching men, so no problem there.
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact me here and I'll get you all set up.
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